
Celebrate Recovery with GUIDE

As GUIDE’s mission is to create safer, healthier communities, we are proud to support addiction recovery efforts in Georgia and beyond. While we focus our programming on substance use prevention, we acknowledge that the two efforts go hand in hand to create...

Substance Abuse Prevention and the Classroom

Did you know? 90% of addictions start in the teen years.1 Youth substance use and abuse is an important issue, and adults have the power to be positive forces for prevention in their lives. What are the facts? Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among...

International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31

Join us as we observe International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, 2023. According to Penington Institute, the organization responsible for this international initiative: “International Overdose Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the...

Celebrate National Prevention Week GUIDE Style

This month is an exciting time for organizations in the prevention field and many others who support substance abuse prevention efforts. May 7-13, 2023 is National Prevention Week, a time to raise public awareness about substance use and abuse, as well as mental...

Becoming a Gatekeeper: Why It’s Important and How to Get Trained

What is a gatekeeper? A gatekeeper is a person who has direct contact with community members as a part of their regular routine and who is trained to identify the warning signs of suicide and refer those in need to supportive services. Why are gatekeepers important?...