GUIDE's Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, December 7 at 4 pm. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Jessica Andrews-Wilson at

Guest Blogger

What is Alcohol?

Contributed by Ines Beltran Alcohol is a legal, sedative drug that does not contain any nutrients for the body. We consume alcohol as part of many social occasions. In excess, alcohol can disrupt body function causing nutrient deficiencies and problems metabolizing...

Marijuana and Teens

Contributed by DaShe’ Frieson-McMillian, MPH, CTTS After many years of public health education concerning the dangers of cigarette use, teenagers’ cigarette smoking is declining, but their marijuana usage has not changed much. Marijuana is one of the most common...

Alcohol and Pregnancy: It’s Not Worth the Risk

Contributed by Bethany Kotar, MPH Many women know not to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Doctors, nurses, public health officials and concerned citizens have spread the word that any amount of alcohol during pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects, and binge...

The Power of Family Mealtimes

Contributed by Wendy Palmer, MS, RD, LD, CHES It seems like such a simple part of life, but it’s one that many families are not prioritizing: family mealtimes. Many of us are overbooked, overscheduled and find it hard to fit in a time where the whole family can sit...

Get Involved: Be Committed to Your Community

Contributed by Bernard Watson, Director of Community Relations, Gwinnett County Public Schools “Don’t talk about it… BE about it!” -Anonymous How committed are you to the community in which you work and live? It’s a question I find myself asking myself often. As...