Georgia Teen Institute

Kicking off Georgia Teen Institute 2014!

It is hard to believe that the 26th year of Georgia Teen Institute begins today.  All of the GUIDE, Inc. and Georgia Teen Institute Staff have been working year-round to make sure this year is a success.  For many of us, it is hard to find the words to describe that...

Georgia Teen Institute 2014: Raising $14K in 2014!

For the 26th year in a row, GUIDE, Inc. is in the process of planning for the Georgia Teen Institute summer leadership program. The Georgia Teen Institute (GTI) is an inspiring, motivational and meaningful leadership training program for middle and high school...

Join Us at Georgia Teen Institute 2014!

Team Registration is Open! We would love to see Youth Action Teams from across the state of Georgia join us at Oxford College this summer as we proudly celebrate our 26th year! Come help us Make it Matter in 2014. Georgia Teen Institute (GTI) is an inspiring,...

Volunteer Spotlight: John Lee McNair

Georgia Teen Institute (GTI), like all of our programs, could not run without the incredible volunteers who support us. John Lee is one of the fantastic Adult Advisors who has participated in GTI in various capacities, and each year he makes more of a positive impact....

Volunteers Needed! Make it Matter at #GeorgiaTI2014

Georgia Teen Institute will be celebrating its 26th year this summer, but it cannot happen without all of our fabulous volunteers. Our volunteers make everything possible! Are you interested in volunteering and to really Make it Matter this summer? As a member of the...

2014 Georgia Teen Institute Staff Applications Available Now

The Georgia Teen Institute Staff are the number one reason that participants return year after year, and the biggest reason GTI is so successful!  Come make it matter and become a part of the 2014 GTI Staff! Deadline for all applications: January 6, 2014 (but we LOVE...