
The 2014-2015 Youth Advisory Board Awards

This year, the GUIDE Youth Advisory Board (YAB) was full of fun, learning and community change from our busy meetings to our numerous projects, campaigns and events! How better to recap the year than by the GUIDE Golden YAB Awards! The first award is for this year’s...

DUI Checks Help Keep Our Roads Safe

Have you ever considered how checkpoints can help reduce and prevent underage drinking? Consider this: underage drinking cost Georgia citizens $1.2 billion in 2013. GUIDE is one of 41 providers working to reduce this very issue in Georgia. As such, one of our target...

GUIDE YAB Promotes Marijuana Awareness

Our Youth Advisory Board (YAB) recently inspired their peers with a marijuana awareness campaign. The YAB is a group of high school students from Gwinnett County who come together to learn leadership skills, provide input on various aspects of GUIDE programming and...

The GUIDE Youth Advisory Board Wants You!

Do you consider yourself a leader? Do you like to volunteer? Are you looking for opportunities to get to know other teens in Gwinnett, make an impact in the community and build skills that will help you be successful in the future? If you answered yes to any of these...

GUIDE Promotes Health and Safety This Holiday Season

As we all know, December is a month filled with holiday traditions, parties and time spent with family and friends. The holiday season is also a time when the safety of others is put at risk. In order to prevent traffic crashes, fatalities and other tragedies that are...

GUIDE 2013-2014 Youth Advisory Board: Where They’re Headed

GUIDE is proud to recognize ten seniors from our Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and their accomplishments. The YAB is comprised of youth from across Gwinnett County that commit to making a difference in their community. YAB members develop and practice key leadership...