Supporting Teen Mental Health

Teenage years can be full of pressure and come with intense emotions and feelings, which can increase the risk for mental health concerns. Adults can make a difference by providing support and connecting them to resources if necessary. How to Support Your Child’s...

23 Things You Only Understand If You’ve Been to GTI

Georgia Teen Institute 2023 kicks off next week, and great things are in store for everyone who will be in attendance. We’re looking forward to building new connections, stepping outside our comfort zones and making memories that will last a lifetime. If you’ve been...

Join the GUIDE YAB: Messages from Our Members

We are pleased to announce that applications are available to join the GUIDE Youth Advisory Board (YAB)! We are looking for hardworking, motivated young people who care about health and wellness and the community to serve during the 2023-2024 school year. All Gwinnett...

Becoming a Gatekeeper: Why It’s Important and How to Get Trained

What is a gatekeeper? A gatekeeper is a person who has direct contact with community members as a part of their regular routine and who is trained to identify the warning signs of suicide and refer those in need to supportive services. Why are gatekeepers important?...