
GUIDE Celebrates Alcohol Awareness Month 2015

Did you know that alcohol is the most widely abused substance among youth in Georgia and the U.S. and that consuming alcohol underage can have serious effects on the developing teenage brain? That is why preventing underage drinking is a priority nationally, statewide...

SPF Series: Stop, Drop and Evaluate

Our Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series blog posts are coming to a close, but we have enjoyed going through each step with you. We hope that it has been a fun learning experience and that you will be able to take this information and put it into action. Here’s...

4 Reasons & 20 Seconds: Marijuana Is More Harmful Than You Think

As you may know, today is 4/20 (April 20th), a day often recognized as a holiday centered around smoking marijuana. At GUIDE, we believe that recreational marijuana use is harmful to both individuals and the community. Still, there is a lot of hype about the drug and...

GUIDE Attends Substance Abuse Prevention Day

Do you believe in prevention? We do! So does Voices for Prevention (V4P), a newly formed coalition in Georgia that focuses on substance abuse prevention. In order to build a unified voice for this cause in the state, V4P collaborates with a committed group of...

SPF Series: The Road to Sustainability

The Strategic Prevention Framework, or the SPF, is a process that we use for all of our prevention programs and projects at GUIDE. In fact, it is used by prevention providers all over the state. That is why we have been sharing the steps of this process with you...

GUIDE Attends CADCA’s 25th Annual National Leadership Forum

The first week of February, GUIDE’s Executive Director Jessica Andrews-Wilson represented GUIDE and the Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human Services at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) 25th Annual National Leadership Forum in National Harbor,...