Celebrate National Prevention Week GUIDE Style

This month is an exciting time for organizations in the prevention field and many others who support substance abuse prevention efforts. May 12-18, 2024 is National Prevention Week, a time to raise public awareness about substance use and abuse, as well as mental...

GUIDE Gives Thanks for Our Incredible Volunteers

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, one thing GUIDE staff are thankful for is our incredible volunteers. Without the help of volunteers from across Georgia and beyond, we would not be able to create such a significant impact on our community. So far in 2019,...

Gwinnett County Communications: An Innovative Partner

In case you missed it, we have begun a Gwinnett County Blog series to highlight the various collaborations GUIDE has had in Gwinnett County for the past 30 years. This is our second post of the series, and it focuses on our partnership with the Gwinnett County...

Three Ways to Incorporate Wellness with Your Team

Worksite wellness is a great way to get staff energized and excited about their own health. It’s also a way for staff to show support to each other, which will bring about a better team overall. Wellness in the workplace might seem like a taxing task, but it doesn’t...

Six Highlights of 2015: GUIDE’s Year in Review

In 2015, GUIDE’s focus on partnership and collaborations truly led to a year of working together for safe and healthy communities. Through a number of new and long-term relationships, we were able to increase our reach, expand the prevention and youth development...