GUIDE's Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, December 7 at 4 pm. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Jessica Andrews-Wilson at

Reach Your Potential with Intrepid Performance Consulting

Contributed by Abby Keenan, MS, CMPC


Intrepid Performance Consulting is working to improve performance in the metro Atlanta area, one person at a time. Launched in 2015, Intrepid creates self-aware, performance-ready individuals. So often, we train the physical and technical aspects of performance and hope that we become mentally tough in the process. The reality is that without deliberate practice, the mental component of performance is often what causes individuals and teams to crack under pressure, miss an opportunity, or burn out quickly. Our mission is to help performers on the field, in the classroom and in the boardroom recognize that they have the ability to be excellent on a consistent basis and to provide them with the mental tools necessary to take action.

What happens when someone improves their performance? They are then more likely to achieve their goals, function at their potential, have healthier relationships, contribute to building a better community and so much more. Intrepid works with individuals, teams and the community through one-on-one training, mental skills workshops, team building events and running coaching. We’d love for you to get connected by:

Scheduling a free consultation. If you exercise, engage in a sport, play an instrument, have an upcoming exam or give professional presentations, you are a performer. How much time do you spend training and preparing for your performances? What percentage of that time do you spend training mentally? The mental component is often overlooked and undertrained, yet it can frequently be what makes or breaks your performance. We’d love to chat with you about your goals, current obstacles and how we can work together to get you performing at a higher level. By teaching you various mental skills, we can help you visualize success, pay attention to the right thing at the right time, effectively manage your energy and build confidence.

Asking us to observe a practice. As a coach, sometimes there is nothing more valuable than having a new set of eyes. Whether your sports team is kicking off a new season, trying to keep the momentum going into the playoffs, struggling with communication issues or developing new captains, we’re happy to share our perspective on what mental skills training and/or team building would be most effective. We’ll collaborate with you to develop a customized training plan for your team and deliver educational and interactive workshops and team building events right on your practice field.

Joining us for an event. Renowned businessman Jim Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” One of the most important aspects of improving performance is surrounding yourself with like-minded people who praise your effort, give you constructive feedback, keep you accountable and celebrate your success. Check out opportunities to join us for an event and grow your network of like-minded folks on our website.


Abby is a certified mental performance consultant located in Atlanta, GA. You can connect with her on LinkedIn, by visiting, or by calling 404-946-9331. To learn more about mental skills training and see what we’re up to in your area, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



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