Five Ways to Help Us Fund Raise

The holiday season has arrived, and everyone is getting into the giving mode. Shopping carts (both in stores and online) are full with surprises that we hope will bring joy to the ones we love. We came out unscathed by Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but why should the giving stop there?


Here at GUIDE, Inc., we believe the giving spirit should be year round. With this year-round approach, one needs to get a little creative and think outside of the giving box. Below you will see that we have discovered ways to help the giving continue that will hopefully appeal to our supporters. Here are five ways to help GUIDE, Inc. and GTI fund raise throughout the year:

  1. Coffee Lovers? You bet this one will keep them awake! Go to Just Love Coffee and every purchase is a donation made to Georgia Teen Institute.
  2. Want to save the environment? We do, too. GUIDE, Inc. is happy to collect your empty ink cartridges, old cell phones and small electronics and send them to Planet Green Recycle to be reused or recycled. Each shipment could be a $40 – $75 donation back to GUIDE, Inc.!
  3. Love to go Kroger-ing? Join the Kroger Community Rewards program and identify GUIDE, Inc. as a recipient and our programs receive a percentage each time you go shopping!
  4. Do you shop online? Amazon Gives. Sign up through your existing Amazon account at and select Gwinnett United in Drug Education, Inc. to receive .5% on eligible purchases.
  5. Want to just give? Check out our donation page and make your contribution today.

The best part about each of these fundraising approaches is that any organization can sign up! As much as we like to receive donations, we also like to make sure the communities we work with know about these opportunities. Even though all of these techniques combined will not bring in millions, it can help the dollar stretch a bit further. Now, go on and get to giving!

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