2021 Georgia ASYD Conference


Join us online September 14-16, 2021, from 9 am to 2 pm each day. This engaging conference will provide three dynamic days of research-based best practices; information, tools and resources framed by Georgia’s ASYD Quality Standards; over 40 workshops to choose from; and opportunities for networking and partnership formation. All youth development and afterschool providers are invited to […]


The Power of Gratitude


Gratitude can change your brain makeup and mental health for the better, but how? Join us for this hands-on, engaging session, which will help participants understand the impact of thankfulness - both on a personal and professional level. Participants will walk away with techniques on how to incorporate daily gratitude practices into their everyday lives. […]


Personal Growth Through Social Emotional Development


An exceptional school year requires extra care, practice and patience for front-line educators. Working with youth – whether in the classroom or in an afterschool program – starts with adults. This session dives deep into the five core competencies of social emotional learning and provides opportunities for reflection and application in both personal and professional […]


Self-Care: Beginning & Maintaining, Especially When Things Get Hard


Self-care is imperative. In order to show up for others (i.e., spouse, family, co-workers), we must show up for ourselves - on a daily basis! Join us for this interactive webinar to explore what self-care truly looks like. Participants will learn Positive Psychology concepts; learn the importance of attitude in relation to wellness; learn techniques […]


Hope, Fear and the Secret Life of Bees: It Only Takes One to Make an Impact!


It only takes one – to launch a wave of learning, to open a door and a mind, to create a lifetime impact. Don’t miss this fast-paced, powerful and media-filled presentation through the lyrical and inspirational storytelling of Leading to Change as they share REAL stories and share REAL strategies to build the leaders around […]
