
Eight Takeaways from the 2015 Georgia School of Addiction Studies

The 9th Annual Georgia School of Addiction Studies was held August 24-28, 2015 in Savannah. This year’s theme, “Addressing Challenges,” represents the current challenges faced by the prevention, treatment and recovery fields in Georgia and speaks to our collective...

Planning a Town Hall Meeting: Get Started with Four Easy Steps

A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting around shared subjects of interest. For many years, town hall meetings have been an important tool for informing citizens about emerging issues, gauging where a community stands on a subject and identifying and...

CADCA’s 7 Strategies for Community Change

This summer at Georgia Teen Institute, we talked a lot about CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Community Change and how they are used to change conditions and improve health and safety in our communities. We also discussed ways to incorporate them into prevention projects....

Workshops at GTI 2015: Planting New Seeds

It’s hard to believe that it has already been a month since we stepped foot onto Oxford College’s campus to begin unloading the moving truck and settling in for Georgia Teen Institute 2015. Since coming home, if you’ve caught yourself thinking of new ways you could...

DUI Checks Help Keep Our Roads Safe

Have you ever considered how checkpoints can help reduce and prevent underage drinking? Consider this: underage drinking cost Georgia citizens $1.2 billion in 2013. GUIDE is one of 41 providers working to reduce this very issue in Georgia. As such, one of our target...

GUIDE YAB Promotes Marijuana Awareness

Our Youth Advisory Board (YAB) recently inspired their peers with a marijuana awareness campaign. The YAB is a group of high school students from Gwinnett County who come together to learn leadership skills, provide input on various aspects of GUIDE programming and...