
The Ellen Gerstein Leadership Award

Ellen Gerstein was the Executive Director of the Gwinnett Coalition from its founding in 1991 until her retirement in 2020. Under Ellen’s leadership, the Coalition brought together community partners to address diverse problems including homelessness, substance abuse and lack of volunteer opportunities. Ellen served on the GUIDE Board of Directors and partnered with GUIDE on multiple initiatives and programs during her tenure at the Coalition. Gwinnett County would not be the same without Ellen’s compassion, dedication and hard work and her leadership continues to impact the work that GUIDE does in the community.

As such, to honor Ellen’s efforts and her legacy of prevention and community activism across Gwinnett County, the GUIDE, Inc. Board of Directors offers an annual scholarship to a Gwinnett County graduating high school senior who has been involved in GUIDE, Inc. and/or Gwinnett Coalition programs and initiatives. GUIDE accepts donations year-round to contribute to the scholarship fund. 


The GUIDE, Inc. Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the 2022 Ellen Gerstein Leadership Award for $500 was awarded to Central Gwinnett High School graduating senior Temitope Williams. The GUIDE Board recognizes that Temitope’s passion for contributing to the health and well-being of the community exemplifies Gerstein’s legacy in Gwinnett.

“Ms. Gerstein built a strong supportive backbone for the community in Gwinnett, but I’m only just learning my role in my community. A community that I feel extends beyond my town, county, or state. Wherever there are people like me that need a space I want to also create a strong supportive backbone for them. I see life as a journey of constant growth. So maybe one day I can say I’ve impacted as many lives as she has,” Williams said.

Temitope attends Carleton College and is focusing on Creative Writing. Congratulations!

Previous Winners
2021 – Jehan Sheikh

Stay tuned for our next round of applications to open in April 2023.

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