Associate Executive Director
Michael W. Davis serves as GUIDE’s Associate Executive Director of Prevention. In this role, Michael is responsible for oversight of all GUIDE’s prevention strategies, activities and campaigns.
As a student at Buford High School, Michael participated in Georgia Teen Institute, GUIDE’s summer leadership conference, and has been involved with GUIDE and GTI as a volunteer ever since. In August 2018, Michael was thrilled to join the GUIDE family as a full-time employee in his current role.
Prior to working at GUIDE, Michael’s career background was focused mainly on college students, serving in several roles in housing, financial aid and the Dean of Students office at four different universities. In his last role at Iowa State University, he served as interim coordinator for prevention services during the university restructure, and Michael was reminded of his passion to work with prevention programs. In that role and with his work at the Chi Phi Fraternity, Michael frequently presented on alcohol risk reduction, bystander intervention, consent and health relationships education, power based violence prevention and social justice issues.
Michael has volunteered and served on many different boards during his career, most recently serving as Chair of Alumni Relations for the University of West Georgia Alumni Association Board of Directors and on the Accreditation Committee for the Chi Phi Fraternity. Previously, he has served Chair of the Board of Directors for the Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support (ACCESS) in Ames, Iowa. Michael was also a trained volunteer advocate for ACCESS while he lived in Ames.
Michael holds a Ph.D. in Education from Iowa State University, a Master of Science degree in Professional Counseling from Georgia State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of West Georgia. Michael has presented on the local, state, and national levels on leadership, education, prevention and social justice issues. Michael is thrilled to return to Gwinnett County and the state of Georgia and serve the communities that helped him grow and develop throughout his life.
You can contact Michael by calling 678-568-1961 or emailing