GUIDE's Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, December 7 at 4 pm. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Jessica Andrews-Wilson at

Training Catalog

GUIDE offers training for youth and adults on a diverse array of topics! Currently scheduled trainings that are open for registration are listed on our Upcoming Events page.

Below is our Training Catalog that contains information on the sessions we have readily available to offer. We partner with individuals and organizations throughout the year to provide direct training to a variety of audiences. If you are interested in receiving training on any of the below topics for your group, please reach out to us via email at

Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for here? Learn about our process for providing Custom Training.

Note: All courses listed below can be facilitated in both virtual and in-person formats. Our typical per-person costs are listed in the course descriptions and are subject to change. Group rates are available.


Training Categories

Substance Use Prevention

These trainings are designed to help raise awareness and teach strategies for preventing underage drinking, tobacco use, prescription drug misuse and other substance use and abuse.

Fundamentals of Prevention (PCCG)

This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia (PCCG) as a Core Course, will provide a basic foundation of prevention knowledge that can be further expanded through ongoing prevention training and development. By the end of this workshop, participants will: Identify risk and protective factors; Identify one prevention process/program that represents each prevention strategy; Determine what works in prevention; Define prevention strategies; and Outline historical timeline of prevention.

In order to obtain PCCG credit, participants must engage in the entirety of the training session and submit the required homework components if applicable.

Course Length: 12 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $100

Communication Skills for the Prevention Professional (PCCG)

This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia (PCCG) as a Core Course, is designed to equip prevention professionals with interpersonal communication, facilitation, public speaking and good listening skills as well as share public awareness campaign and marketing basics.

In order to obtain PCCG credit, participants must engage in the entirety of the training session and submit the required homework components if applicable.

Course Length: 6 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $75

Cultural Competency for the Prevention Professional (PCCG)

This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia (PCCG) as a Core Course, will give Prevention Professionals a refresher in cultural awareness and appropriateness in the prevention field. At a young age most people learn how to recognize differences more quickly than similarities and how to dislike others who are not like us. In our ever-increasing diverse communities, understanding, tolerance and appreciation for differences is necessary to running effective prevention programs. This session will include activities and discussions exploring cultural diversity and prejudices in a safe environment in order to learn how to increase cultural competence and create safe spaces in your programs and organizations. Bring an open mind, as we will discuss critical diversity issues such as racism, ageism, heterosexism and sexism.

In order to obtain PCCG credit, participants must engage in the entirety of the training session and submit the required homework components if applicable.

Course Length: 6 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $75

Exploring Ethics in the Prevention Field (PCCG)

This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia (PCCG) as a Core Course, is designed to provide a basic introduction to the Principles of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Prevention, Early Intervention and Health Promotion Professionals and Volunteers. It will also provide an overview of the ethical dilemmas that Prevention Professionals encounter in their work. Using the Code of Ethics from the Prevention Think Tank as a framework, participants will explore ethical principles using interactive methods that encourage and support adult learning.

In order to obtain PCCG credit, participants must engage in the entirety of the training session and submit the required homework components if applicable.

Course Length: 6 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $75

Strategic Prevention Framework

This session will take a deep dive into the Strategic Prevention Framework. Participants will learn the history and use of the framework, specifically in the field of substance use prevention. Participants will be given a brief overview of each step of the framework. Learning is enhanced by providing community-level examples of how each step is implemented in data-driven prevention efforts.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Community Level Change Strategies

Community Level Change Strategies (CLCS) can be used by any individual, group or organization to create change in their community. Participants are introduced to each of the seven strategies and provided examples of community level implementation. Participants will have the opportunity to experience a project simulation during the session to increase knowledge and understanding.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Going Beyond Red Ribbon Week

Take a deep dive into why and how communities should celebrate prevention year-round, not just for one week in October. Participants will gain ideas for how to make prevention a priority and a focus in their communities throughout the year, have a chance to engage in GUIDE’s Red Ribbon Campaign and will receive an electronic version of GUIDE’s “Red Ribbon Week & Beyond” manual.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

How to Use Data to Plan Your Project

Data – love it or hate it, it is an essential part of our work. Understanding and using data to plan your prevention projects is key to making sure we meet our community’s needs and show the effectiveness of our work. In this session, we will discuss the importance of data, data resources and how to plan and evaluate prevention projects.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

Underage Drinking Prevention

Alcohol is still the most common drug of choice used by teenagers in the United States. In this session, we will explore trends of the underage drinking prevention field and discuss some of the best practices in our state.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention

The opioid and prescription drug epidemic in the past several years has brought national attention to the dangers of the drugs. In this session, we will share trends and give updates about opioid use prevention, and you will learn ways to incorporate this work into your community.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Social Norms Campaigns

Positive Social Norms (PSN) campaigns are a critical tool used in prevention work. In this session, we will look at steps to develop and implement a PSN. Participants will use the steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework to create a PSN and learn from some professionals who have been active and involved in designing and implementing similar campaigns in their communities.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Suicide Prevention & Mental Health

These trainings are designed to teach individuals the warning signs of suicide and how to respond in a crisis situation as well as promote positive mental health.


QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. The QPR Gatekeeper Training is taught in a clear, concise format using the latest in educational technology and practices. This course can be offered in both English and Spanish.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25 (Free to individuals who reside or work in Gwinnett, Newton and Rockdale Counties)

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. This course can be offered in both English and Spanish.

Course Length: 6.5 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $40 (Free to individuals who reside or work in Gwinnett, Newton and Rockdale Counties)

Personal Development

These trainings are designed to support individual growth by promoting concepts and activities that encourage participants to reach their full potential.

Self-Care: Beginning & Maintaining, Especially When Things Get Hard

Self-care is imperative. In order to show up for others (i.e., spouse, family, co-workers), we must show up for ourselves – on a daily basis! Join us for this interactive session to explore what self-care truly looks like. Participants will learn Positive Psychology concepts; learn the importance of attitude in relation to wellness; learn techniques for managing stress, especially in a time of crisis; and identify ways to incorporate daily self-care practices for our “new normal.”

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Self-Care: Taking Your Practice Even Further

The world keeps changing, and you might find yourself feeling more overwhelmed and underwater than ever before. Unfortunately, the chaos doesn’t stop when we’re in over our heads. In order for us to truly thrive, we MUST take care of ourselves. Join us for this interactive session to explore even more ways to fully take care of ourselves – mentally, physically and emotionally. You don’t want to miss this!

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Social Justice 101

Diversity, cultural competency, inclusion and social justice – what are all of these terms, and what’s the difference? In this workshop, participants will explore social identity, social justice concepts and systems that affect our communities. We will set a foundation for how we engage, how we might improve our work with social justice and how we advocate for change so that in 20 years, we won’t be having the same conversations about cultural competency.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude can change your brain makeup and mental health for the better, but how? Join us for this hands-on, engaging session, which will help participants understand the impact of thankfulness – both on a personal and professional level. Participants will walk away with techniques on how to incorporate daily gratitude practices into their everyday lives.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Team Development

These trainings are designed to help groups work together effectively and increase productivity by creating bonds, growing interpersonal skills and engaging each other in meaningful ways.

Team Building: Virtually & In-Person

A virtual session doesn’t mean we can’t connect, build comradery and get to know each other better. An in-person session doesn’t mean we can’t safely engage in group activities. Wherever you’re leading, we have tips and tricks on how to engage your team – whether it’s youth or adults – and tons of free tools, adaptations and activities that work to engage your participants!

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Taking Your Facilitation to the Next Level

Have you facilitated a ton of virtual and in-person experiences in the past year? Do you feel like you’re a pro and NEED some new, innovative ways to keep your participants engaged in your training? Look no further! This two-hour session will offer tips and tools for experienced facilitators. Participants will engage in small group work and will learn new tips and tricks for facilitating in-person and online.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Using Caboodle Cards: Virtually & In-Person

GUIDE’s Caboodle Cards are an invaluable tool used for icebreakers and team building activities, academic skill building, reflection and so much more. In this highly interactive experience, participants will learn how to utilize Caboodle Cards in both virtual and in-person formats by engaging in several activities. All participants will receive a deck of Caboodle Cards to use, too!

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $40

The 5 P's of Facilitation

If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your facilitation skills, look no further than this interactive session! We will explore some myths and facts about facilitation and explore the 5 P’s – a quick and easy way to be the best facilitator you can be. This two-hour session will offer tips and tools for new facilitators and those who want to brush up on their skills. Participants will engage in small group work, learn new tips and tricks for facilitating in-person and online and will receive a handout with activities and ideas following the session.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Tips & Tricks for Virtual Facilitation

If you’re a youth development professional, afterschool provider or any leader who needs more ideas for how to take your virtual facilitation to the next level, don’t miss this fast-paced, interactive and resource-filled training. Participants will look at, play with and engage in a variety of tools, websites and resources that can take your virtual facilitation from ho-hum to OH WOW! All participants will receive a resource packet that includes all activities, links and ideas.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Why & How to Incorporate Reflection in Every Session

In youth development programs… and programs of all sorts… reflection can maximize learning and help concepts to stick. In this highly interactive session, participants will take a close look at the value of reflection, how and why to use it well and how to take reflective practices from basic to transformative for the young people you serve.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

Giving Effective Feedback

Feedback. We’ve all given it; we’ve all received it…and we know that how we do it makes a difference in how it is received. In this small-group based and highly interactive session, participants will learn the “SBI” method of providing feedback. The “SBI” method will teach participants “Situation – Behavior – Impact” as the keys to effective and meaningful feedback. Participants will be given the fundamentals of this tool, will practice how to use the tool and get a “take-home” reminder of the SBI methodology.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Working with Difficult People

Are your program participants getting on your last nerve? Do you struggle to deal with your team, or dare say it… your boss? Join us for this engaging, hands-on session that will walk you through tips and tricks in order to bridge the relationship gap between you and everyone who you find difficult. Be ready to engage, practice and learn tools you can immediately implement after the training.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Building Positive Relationships

In order to thrive in the workplace and at home, it’s important to build meaningful and sustainable relationships. Join us for this interactive session, which will lead participants through various relationship-building strategies to increase connection, meaning and trust. Participants will walk away with tips and tricks to implement learning immediately after training.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Youth Development

These trainings are designed to provide adults with knowledge and tools to engage youth in ways that recognize and enhance their strengths, foster positive relationships, help them build leadership skills and promote positive outcomes.

The Georgia Afterschool & Youth Development Quality Standards

The Georgia Afterschool & Youth Development Standards is a collaborative project funded and endorsed by several state agencies and offered to all youth development programs across the state as an opportunity to increase program quality. The Standards are grounded in research and best practices and include an easy-to-use self-assessment tool. This session will give participants insight into the Standards and how they could be used to evaluate and increase program quality. Participants will:

  • Understand the ASYD Quality Standards program improvement process;
  • Learn how to use the ASYD Quality Standards Assessment Tool;
  • Practice observing program practices; and
  • Apply ratings to program practices.

Course Length: 6-8 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: Varies

Raising the Bar: An Introduction to the Georgia Afterschool & Youth Development Quality Standards
The research is clear – high quality afterschool and summer learning programs have positive impacts on youth outcomes. How can you be sure you are providing high quality programming? This session will provide an overview of the Georgia Afterschool & Youth Development Quality Standards and self-assessment tool as well as strategies for evaluating and improving the quality of your programming.

Course Length: 1.5 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

Best Practices in Youth Development

During this engaging and interactive session, participants will examine Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning as the basis for increasing youth program quality and explore youth voice, reflection and commonality as keys to positive youth development.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

Youth Voice

One of the keys to effective and meaningful youth development programs is the inclusion of youth voice… but what does that REALLY mean? In this highly interactive session, we’ll take a look at the research behind the importance and value of youth voice before we identify ways to include and enhance youth voice in programs. Participants will leave with ideas for how to engage youth in new and exciting ways to ensure their voices are heard.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

Teaching Financial Literacy to Youth

This session will provide participants with fun ways to teach youth how to manage financial resources and to make their money count! Participants will learn how to teach the following:

  • What exactly financial literacy means;
  • How to create and adjust a budget; and
  • How to maintain a good credit score.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

40 Developmental Assets

Join us for this session to better understand the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets! Participants will learn how to apply these concepts to youth work and community building; understand the basic concepts of youth leadership and empowerment; and gain tools and resources they can immediately implement into existing programming.

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults & Youth
Cost: $25

Community Level Change Strategies, Environmental Change & Working with Youth, Oh My!

Community Level Change Strategies (CLCS) are evidence-based and truly work when it comes to creating positive change within local environments. But how do we get youth involved in this change? How do we encourage them to use their voices to make needed change become a reality? Join us for this hands-on, engaging session that will provide participants with tools and resources to actively involve youth in their communities in meaningful ways to make the world a better place for us all!

Course Length: 2 hours
Audience: Adults
Cost: $25

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