Summer Safety

While summer is a time of fun and relaxation, it is important to prioritize safety! We know to wear sunscreen, supervise children around water and be careful around fireworks. Adults also play a big part in ensuring summer safety by preventing teen substance use...

Team Building Activity: Gloves On

Gloves On is a great activity to bring groups together and have fun in a past-paced, personally challenging game where everyone can get involved. Team building happens in the debrief, where participants are given the opportunity to connect with each other by...

2024 VOX Teen Survey

Each year, our community partner VOX ATL offers a teen-informed, strengths-based statewide survey to provide real-time data from youth to understand their afterschool activities, communication preferences and mental health needs so that we can better reach and serve...

Celebrate National Prevention Week GUIDE Style

This month is an exciting time for organizations in the prevention field and many others who support substance abuse prevention efforts. May 12-18, 2024 is National Prevention Week, a time to raise public awareness about substance use and abuse, as well as mental...