DUI Checks Help Keep Our Roads Safe

Have you ever considered how checkpoints can help reduce and prevent underage drinking? Consider this: underage drinking cost Georgia citizens $1.2 billion in 2013. GUIDE is one of 41 providers working to reduce this very issue in Georgia. As such, one of our target...

GUIDE YAB Promotes Marijuana Awareness

Our Youth Advisory Board (YAB) recently inspired their peers with a marijuana awareness campaign. The YAB is a group of high school students from Gwinnett County who come together to learn leadership skills, provide input on various aspects of GUIDE programming and...

Team Building: Minute to Win It Series, Round 2

Welcome back for another installment of Minute to Win It games! If you missed the first post of this series, check out those games here. Below are some additional games that we have enjoyed playing in the past. These games are inexpensive to recreate as you most...

GUIDE Celebrates Alcohol Awareness Month 2015

Did you know that alcohol is the most widely abused substance among youth in Georgia and the U.S. and that consuming alcohol underage can have serious effects on the developing teenage brain? That is why preventing underage drinking is a priority nationally, statewide...

SPF Series: Stop, Drop and Evaluate

Our Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series blog posts are coming to a close, but we have enjoyed going through each step with you. We hope that it has been a fun learning experience and that you will be able to take this information and put it into action. Here’s...