General Sessions at GTI 2015: Six Lessons Learned

TI! YOU KNOW! Is it still ringing in your ears? It’s hard to believe that Georgia Teen Institute 2015 is over and we have to wait another whole year to feel the magic, excitement and energy again. Reflecting back on the last two weeks, it’s apparent that a lot of...

GTI 2015 by the Numbers

With one week down, our GTI 2015 Staff is back at Oxford College to make the final preparations for another full week of the program. We are re-energized and beyond excited to begin Week 2! As we are busy filling Family Group and Team Meeting bags, fine-tuning...

Meet the GTI 2015 Staff

Have you ever… Energized a crowd by going bananas? Become excited over pencils? Received something from a secret pal? Worn the same t-shirts as 45 other people for several days? Bonded with a group of strangers from all across the state? Used yarn to make a warm...

GTI 2015: What Does it Mean to Branch Out?

Georgia Teen Institute kicks off in a few days and if you haven’t heard, we are really excited about our 2015 theme, “Branch Out.” From our manuals and t-shirts to decorations and arts and crafts during free time, our participants will be visually reminded of this...

The 2014-2015 Youth Advisory Board Awards

This year, the GUIDE Youth Advisory Board (YAB) was full of fun, learning and community change from our busy meetings to our numerous projects, campaigns and events! How better to recap the year than by the GUIDE Golden YAB Awards! The first award is for this year’s...