Five Reasons You Need to be at Georgia Teen Institute this Summer

Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is. – Will Rogers What happens when a group of highly committed youth and young adults come together for the greater good? A better world for all of us! This is exactly what happens each summer at Georgia Teen...

SPF Series: The Road to Sustainability

The Strategic Prevention Framework, or the SPF, is a process that we use for all of our prevention programs and projects at GUIDE. In fact, it is used by prevention providers all over the state. That is why we have been sharing the steps of this process with you...

Team Building Activity: Pipeline

Pipeline This is an engaging activity that you can try with both youth and adults. Pipeline provides participants an opportunity to plan and communicate as a team, to learn how to overcome difficulties together and to make changes to the original plan in order to...

The GUIDE Youth Advisory Board Wants You!

Do you consider yourself a leader? Do you like to volunteer? Are you looking for opportunities to get to know other teens in Gwinnett, make an impact in the community and build skills that will help you be successful in the future? If you answered yes to any of these...

GUIDE Attends CADCA’s 25th Annual National Leadership Forum

The first week of February, GUIDE’s Executive Director Jessica Andrews-Wilson represented GUIDE and the Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human Services at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) 25th Annual National Leadership Forum in National Harbor,...